Have you ever checked your average daily screen time or noticed how often you pick up your phone? Many of us are surprised by just how much time we spend on our smartphones, often underestimating it until the figures prove otherwise.
Our phones serve numerous functions in our daily lives. They help us stay in touch with friends and family, manage work, shop online, and carry out various administrative tasks at any hour. While we can usually justify why we’re on our phones, we may not always recognise the impact on our close relationships.
Studies suggest that heavy smartphone use can negatively affect relationships, increasing the likelihood of divorce. Research published in the journal Computers in Human Behaviour found that couples who used technology (including phones) excessively were more prone to conflict and reported lower relationship satisfaction.
Family therapist Luisa Williams agrees, noting that understanding why one partner uses their phone to excess can shed light on the quality of the marriage itself:
“In therapy, we often uncover the underlying reasons for excessive phone use. These can range from boredom in the relationship to avoidance of the partner, or even covering up an affair.”
Begin Your Day Without Your Phone
The first few minutes after waking set the tone for the rest of the day. Diving into the digital world as soon as you open your eyes can elevate stress levels. Develop a morning routine that doesn’t involve your phone.
Keep Your Phone Out of the Bedroom
Bringing a phone into the bedroom reduces the likelihood of intimacy with your spouse. Consider using a traditional alarm clock and charging your phone elsewhere.
Set App and Communication Limits
Identify the apps and times of day you use your phone the most. Then, establish boundaries or ‘downtime’ periods to control your usage and create a reliable switch-off point.
Disable Alerts and Notifications
Notifications are designed to grab your attention. By switching them off, you can decide when to check your phone, rather than responding instantly to it.
Designate Phone-Free Zones and Times
Agree on times and places where mobile use is off-limits—such as during meals, date nights, and family outings. Set a daily cut-off time for screens so you can focus on each other.
Excessive phone use has been linked to relationship problems. Over time, such habits can become ingrained, so you may not realise just how much they’re affecting you and your spouse.
Even if you sense that phone use is harming your relationship, it can be tricky to identify whether the distance emerged first or whether the phone usage triggered it. In either case, spending time addressing underlying issues is crucial. Understanding the root causes of heavy phone reliance can help you tackle problems and restore your relationship’s health.
If you believe professional support would help you or your partner get to the bottom of excessive phone use, consider reaching out for guidance. Allocating less time to the digital world can ultimately strengthen your connection with your spouse.
At HM & Co. Solicitors, we recognise that every relationship is unique, and factors such as heavy smartphone use can contribute to marital breakdown. Our experienced team is here to guide you through all aspects of family law, including divorce and separation. If you need support or advice, please get in touch:
HM & Co. Solicitors
186 Lower Road
Surrey Quays
London SE16 2UN
Telephone: 02071128180
Email: info@hmsolicitorsltd.com
We are committed to offering clear, compassionate advice, ensuring you have the knowledge and support needed to navigate the complexities of modern relationships and divorce.
Mobile phones can make it easier to form intimate connections outside of a marriage. Social media, text messaging, and private messaging apps can all facilitate emotional or physical affairs. With the press of a button, it’s possible to privately contact virtually anyone, which can tempt some people to reconnect with past partners or strike up new relationships.
‘Phubbing’ (or “phone snubbing”) occurs when someone is so absorbed in their phone that they ignore the person they’re with. Unlike other activities, such as reading or watching TV, smartphones can be uniquely immersive, making it easy to accidentally “phub” partners or friends. Phubbing can harm relationships by reducing attention, intimacy, and a sense of closeness.
When one partner is engrossed in their phone, it can create a sense of detachment, making the other person feel overlooked and undervalued. Over time, this can lead to isolation or loneliness, as there’s less quality time devoted to mutual connection.
Occasionally stepping away from a challenging conversation to reflect can be beneficial. However, regularly using a phone to dodge important discussions may come across as dismissive or disrespectful, hindering a couple’s ability to resolve issues constructively.
Spending large amounts of time on the phone can take attention and care away from the relationship. Continually checking notifications or messages during face-to-face interactions sends a message that the other person is less important, gradually eroding emotional closeness and communication.
Tech abuse involves using mobile devices or apps to monitor, track, or ‘spy’ on a partner. It can include installing spyware or surveilling a partner’s location and communications, constituting a severe invasion of privacy. Tech abuse often accompanies other forms of domestic abuse.
Constant alerts and social media updates can disrupt quality time with a partner, especially if they occur during conversations or arguments. Additionally, disagreements may spill onto social media platforms, increasing stress and potential resentment.
Need Legal Support? Contact HM & Co. Solicitors
If smartphone use or other factors are contributing to marital strain and you’re considering separation or divorce, we’re here to offer professional guidance.
HM & Co. Solicitors
186 Lower Road, Surrey Quays, London SE16 2UN
Telephone: 02071128180
Email: info@hmsolicitorsltd.com
We understand the complexities of modern relationships and are ready to help you navigate any challenges.